Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Funday

Tonight I headed towards SOMA (south of Market) after work for this funday adventure. It took me a few blocks of walking to really feel inspired to take any photographs. The area over there is weird, mostly wide non-descript buildings with cracked paint and littered sidewalks. I don't know if I was technically in 'SOMA' but I was a few blocks south of market, so close enough..

I walked past this studio, Hello! Lucky which is a letterpress print/design studio, featuring wedding invites, birthday, stationary, etc. I've actually seen it before and had let it slip my mind. They were closed, so sadly I couldn't go inside and explore, but I took a few photos from outside. Sorry for the horrible window glare!

The farther you walk (west) from Downtown the more and more ghetto SOMA becomes, to the point of making one feel slightly uncomfortable with each block. (Certainly not a place for a skinny white girl to wander around alone in at night.) I would compare it to the heart of the Tenderloin, same cracked out, disgusting vibe. The constant stench of urine and b.o. is so thick you could cut with a knife. It just clings to the hair of your nostrils, forcing you to breathe through your mouth, but even then you feel like you could taste it, so you try not to breathe at all.

I didn't really want to showcase my camera the further down I walked, but I did take a few photos of this one building. It had chairs and sofas sticking off the side of it.. I had to share.

The reason I decided to venture through SOMA tonight was to reach 666 Gallery for an opening. (sorry, they don't have a website yet, or I would post a link) The show is titled, "The Future is So Bright" featuring works by Nas Chompas, Kyle Lee (
Mark Warren Jacques, Timothy Karpinski and Alexandra Steele. (sorry, I can't find a website for Miss Steele)

The gallery is itty-bitty, but quite lovely and felt cozy instead of cramped. All of the work was relatively small and delicately detailed, so it fit nicely into a small space. It allows the viewer to get up close and personal with the work (and with other viewers) I got to chatting with Timothy, who was showing an instillation in the front window and 3 paintings. He lives in Portland, OR and owns Together Gallery as well as working as graphic designer for a snowboarding company. He is a pretty awesome dude, with a pretty awesome life.

(Timothy giving an interview about the work)

Here are some more details shots of the show. It will be up until June 17th, but it's open by appointment only.

I look forward to seeing more shows at 666 (even if I have to plug my nose on the walk over there.. ha)


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