Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Funday

I realize I've taken a bit of a hiatus from "Friday Funday" the last couple of weeks, and I very much apologize. A lot of (career) changes have happened in the past 2 months, so my lack of posting is entirely due to this transitional period. When I was back visiting Minneapolis, my dear friend, Lil Ric expressed his sadness and disappointment in my lack of Friday Funday posts, so I'm kicked back into gear and have lots to share.

Today I decided to share the Mission district with you. Now, I have been to the Mission many a time, but I've never really stopped to photograph all of it's glory.

The Mission district has changed drastically over the past 10 years or so. It was once known as one of the 'bad' neighborhoods, consisting mainly of lower-income Mexican families. It has been steadily subjugated to gentrification so that now it is a place of hipster bars, clubs, and housing. However, with that said, Mission street is still heavily populated and influenced by Mexican culture.

Mission street is colorful chaos. The sidewalks are packed with people, fruit, ice-cream stands, 99 cent items, etc. The streets feel truly alive. Music blasts from store fronts and cars driving by, and the air is filled with the scent of deliciously decadent Mexican food.

I personally am most impressed by and pleased with all of the signage on Mission street. The only gaps between signs are due to street intersections, other than that, every inch is covered in text and color. I took quite a few photos of the signage, but there is no way I could've photographed it all. It would take days, weeks, years to truly document all of what Mission street has to offer.

I'll leave you with some other random images I gathered today. Cheers!


allison said...

thanks Karen, it was definitely perfect and long over-due. I hope you had a good time in Mpls recently!!

P@ said...

That picture with the dude in the wrestling get up drinking on the store sign is awesome. I want that picture

Karen O said...

Haha, yeah that is definitely my favorite. I can email you a hi-res copy so you can print it out if you want..? What's your email?