I know that a new post is long over due, so I'll do my best to make this interesting. I just got back from an excellent adventure to San Francisco. The reason for this trip was to see
mr. R.M. Hanson's painting up at the
Space Gallery as well as to visit my dear friend Hayley, and bum around the city for a few days. Here are the highlights..
R.M. Hanson in front of his piece, "One of a Thousand Faces: Bloody London”

To see more of the work from "Attack of the B-Movie" check out www.creepmachine.com

The next night, Ryan and I attended the
Varnish Gallery's 5-year anniversary opening.

I heart Mel Kadel

We had to check out the new Fecal Face gallery

Works from
Jeana Sohn 

San Fran is full of amazing graffiti

and hillarious window displays

we had to do a few touristy things..

San Francisco is full of amazing, and cheap sushi. Oh so delicious.