The weather has been pretty nutso lately (yes, I am talking about the weather...) I don't have too many actual storm photos, but I wanted to share some I took last week of how amazing the world was looking during a tornado warning.
These photos have not been color corrected or manipulated in anyway. This is really what it looked like outside..
I know I haven't posted anything in a long time, but here's a quick one to enjoy while I collect all the photos I need to share from the past few weeks..
Oh Blog, how I've failed you these past few weeks. In my defense I have been very preoccupied with many visitors and a trip home to meet my new nephew. Not to mention, working on a very big project inbetween all of the fun.
My friend Joe had a performance of Prrty Food Part 6.
My friends and I also took a weekend trip to go camping just outside of Mpls at the Interstate State Park
The rest of the week I attended many a BBQ, a couple of bars and even went salsa dancing with my dear friend Rachel.
I'll be in DSM with my family for the rest of the week, and then I return back to Mpls just in time to get ready for our Sucka Free Art Sale!